Tag Archives: Bogićevica

Photo Story – Biking Through National Park Prokletije

It was about time that this year we take one of the most attractive biking routes not only in Plav area, but in whole Montenegro. A route that any biking enthusiast needs to add to his or her biking agenda. Lake, streams, forests, pastures, mountain peaks, hidden roads and trails, border…biking story that flows in … Continue reading Photo Story – Biking Through National Park Prokletije

Biking Trail PL04 – Hrid Lake

Plav – Hrid Lake – Plav   GPS Probably the most attractive tour in the region of Plav. A rich programme for a full day’s excursion, many different landscapes and magical areas, but it also requires a good fitness level. For those who do not possess it, in this case as well our recommendation is … Continue reading Biking Trail PL04 – Hrid Lake