Biking Trails – Pljevlja

In the far north of Montenegro, surrounded by forested and picturesque mountains, decorated by river flows of Tara, Ćehotina and Breznica stretches the municipality of Pljevlja, the third largest in Montenegro. It covers one tenth of the state territory or 1346 km2 and it is home to one in twenty of the Montenegrin citizens or about 32,000 people.

Administrative center of municipality is the town of Pljevlja, which due to its geographical position at the crossroads of important ancient and new routes, changed its name, significance, and conquerors throughout the history while maintaining recognizable urban identity. Stamp of rich historical and cultural heritage were given by Illyrians, Romans, Slavs, Turks and Austrians, who conquered and fought for Pljevlja in the course of centuries.

The oldest traces of Illyrian settlements date from the third century BC while that the Romans lived here in the II century BC confirm excavations in Municipium S in village Komine. The most famous artifact of the time is a luxury Roman glass cup Diatreta, wrapped in a decorated blue glass outer net and with inscription “Vivas Panelleni Bona” below its rim.

The Middle Ages was granted Pljevlja epithet of crossroads. Trade caravans from the West to the mighty Constantinople were passing through and since that time Pljevlja is considered as a point of link between Christianity and Islam. During this period, the most beautiful monuments of two religions in South-Eastern Europe, which are symbols of the everlasting tolerance, coexistence, multi-ethnicity, culture and architectural places of interest – the Holy Trinity Monastery and Hussein Pasha Mosque were built.

The remains of two fortresses – from fifteenth century, Koznik and Kukanj and a significant number of “stećci” tombstones – give evidence of the significance of this area in medieval times.

Not far from the city center is one of the most beautiful parks in Montenegro, in which the first seedlings in the famous Millet garden were planted by Austro-Hungarian Army soldiers. This beautiful green complex represents a unique ecological oasis, with rich and diverse vegetation, with sports and recreational complex, pathways and recreation areas, artificial lakes, and spring of potable water …

Just 30 km from the city is situated Ljubišnja, proud Queen of Dinaric Alps with its giant pine and spruce trees, unique in Europe, springs of potable water and the legend of forbidden love by which it was named. Equally attractive in summer and winter, as well as Kovać, Kosanica, canyons of Ćehotina and Draga and especially the magnificent Tara canyon bridged by Đjurđevića Tara bridge over Tara River, which in more distant seventies of the last century inspired Hollywood filmmakers.

Nature was unselfish to a man in Pljevlja area. Fishing, rafting, caving, cannoeing, horseback riding, biking, walking, hiking, climbing, paragliding, jeep tours, excursions, camping … are some of the activities offered by the natural environment of the city.

The rural area of the municipality, with some 150 villages, features unspoiled nature and preserved environment in which healthy organic food is produced.

Surrender to the adventures in nature, and in late night hours return back to the city of Pljevlja and it’s tambourines. Do not forget to try the delicious meals of the region including very famous Pljevlja cheese.

One of the top biking trailNorth Discoveries (TT2) – passes through the territory of Pljevlja municipality.

Biking Trails Network – Pljevlja


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