Photo Story – Biking Through National Park Prokletije

It was about time that this year we take one of the most attractive biking routes not only in Plav area, but in whole Montenegro. A route that any biking enthusiast needs to add to his or her biking agenda. Lake, streams, forests, pastures, mountain peaks, hidden roads and trails, border…biking story that flows in an easy and relaxing manner on over 2000 meters altitude above the sea level. It might sound like a description of many locations in Montenegro, but this one is not the same… trust me.

Even though we started the route in Berane (133km), it officially starts in the center of Plav, and it is fully marked and signposted. This is local biking trail PL04, and it is also a part of Top Biking Trail 3 – Enchanting East. Detailed information you can find on those pages, and here we will share with you photos from this fantastic ride. We also recommend you take a look at our photo gallery Hridsko Lake.

Tour taken by Miodrag Nikolić and Jovan Nikolić

Hridsko Lake

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